- Accesări: 578
- Mărimea: 88 Mb
- Format: *.zip
- Data adăugării: 05 October 2021
- Categoria: Albume
01. Alex de la Orastie - Te-Am Vazut Dupa Un An @ bY Profu (3:47)
02. Aza si Culita Sterp - Tainele Iubirii @ bY Profu (3:05)
03. Babi Minune - Te cheama ca pe mine @ bY Profu (3:12)
04. Babi Minune - Te iubeam @ bY Profu (3:06)
05. Beatrice Dragnea -Toate Viorile @ bY Profu (2:22)
06. Bogdan de la Ploiesti - Ochii Tai @ bY Profu (2:49)
07. Bogdan Dlp si Carmen de la Salciua - Unde m-ai lasat vara @ bY Profu (2:56)
08. Bogdan Dlp, Anisha, Vanessa, Costi Si Og Eastbull - Tibetanii @ bY Profu (2:44)
09. Dani Mocanu - Bucuresti, Timisoara @ bY Profu (2:17)
10. Dani Mocanu - Cioara @ bY Profu (2:02)
11. Danny - Ne-am grabit @ bY Profu (3:52)
12. Florin Salam - Jumatate soarta, Jumate noroc @ bY Profu (3:47)
13. Georgiana Lobont - 100 de ani @ bY Profu (3:27)
14. Georgiana Lobont, Culita Sterp si Baboiash - Ciocolata @ bY Profu (3:12)
15. Iancu Sterp Si Dodo - Iubirea Noastra @ bY Profu (3:00)
16. Jador - Viata mea privata @ bY Profu (2:55)
17. Laura - N-am avut noroc in dragoste @ bY Profu (3:26)
18. Laura - Of of of Tiganule @ bY Profu (3:41)
19. Luis Gabriel si Letty - Alo Bebe, O Mie de Nopti @ bY Profu (3:30)
20. Luis Gabriel si Nikolas Sax - Ma simt ca un copil @ bY Profu (4:03)
21. Nicolae Guta - Mandat Cu Mine @ bY Profu (2:53)
22. Nicolae Guta - Stau in varful muntelui @ bY Profu (4:30)
23. Nicolae Guta si Susanu - O Noapte, O Saptamana @ bY Profu (3:01)
24. Nikolas - Dai vina pe altii @ bY Profu (3:07)
25. Raoul - Diamante @ bY Profu (3:17)
26. Selatin si Miriam - Taboo @ bY Profu (3:52)
27. Sorinel Pustiu si Alex Botea - Daca simteati ca sunt fraier, m-ati fi aruncat in aer @ bY Profu (3:23)
28. Ticy, Daniela Gyorfi, Baboiash Si Nikolas Sax - Lasa ,lasa @ bY Profu (3:37)
29. Tzanca Uraganu - Cu lumina stinsa @ bY Profu (3:20)
30. Zenys si Elys - Ai numele meu scris pe inima ta @ bY Profu (2:39)
02. Aza si Culita Sterp - Tainele Iubirii @ bY Profu (3:05)
03. Babi Minune - Te cheama ca pe mine @ bY Profu (3:12)
04. Babi Minune - Te iubeam @ bY Profu (3:06)
05. Beatrice Dragnea -Toate Viorile @ bY Profu (2:22)
06. Bogdan de la Ploiesti - Ochii Tai @ bY Profu (2:49)
07. Bogdan Dlp si Carmen de la Salciua - Unde m-ai lasat vara @ bY Profu (2:56)
08. Bogdan Dlp, Anisha, Vanessa, Costi Si Og Eastbull - Tibetanii @ bY Profu (2:44)
09. Dani Mocanu - Bucuresti, Timisoara @ bY Profu (2:17)
10. Dani Mocanu - Cioara @ bY Profu (2:02)
11. Danny - Ne-am grabit @ bY Profu (3:52)
12. Florin Salam - Jumatate soarta, Jumate noroc @ bY Profu (3:47)
13. Georgiana Lobont - 100 de ani @ bY Profu (3:27)
14. Georgiana Lobont, Culita Sterp si Baboiash - Ciocolata @ bY Profu (3:12)
15. Iancu Sterp Si Dodo - Iubirea Noastra @ bY Profu (3:00)
16. Jador - Viata mea privata @ bY Profu (2:55)
17. Laura - N-am avut noroc in dragoste @ bY Profu (3:26)
18. Laura - Of of of Tiganule @ bY Profu (3:41)
19. Luis Gabriel si Letty - Alo Bebe, O Mie de Nopti @ bY Profu (3:30)
20. Luis Gabriel si Nikolas Sax - Ma simt ca un copil @ bY Profu (4:03)
21. Nicolae Guta - Mandat Cu Mine @ bY Profu (2:53)
22. Nicolae Guta - Stau in varful muntelui @ bY Profu (4:30)
23. Nicolae Guta si Susanu - O Noapte, O Saptamana @ bY Profu (3:01)
24. Nikolas - Dai vina pe altii @ bY Profu (3:07)
25. Raoul - Diamante @ bY Profu (3:17)
26. Selatin si Miriam - Taboo @ bY Profu (3:52)
27. Sorinel Pustiu si Alex Botea - Daca simteati ca sunt fraier, m-ati fi aruncat in aer @ bY Profu (3:23)
28. Ticy, Daniela Gyorfi, Baboiash Si Nikolas Sax - Lasa ,lasa @ bY Profu (3:37)
29. Tzanca Uraganu - Cu lumina stinsa @ bY Profu (3:20)
30. Zenys si Elys - Ai numele meu scris pe inima ta @ bY Profu (2:39)
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